Donation Challenge

Crowd Funding for Multiplicity

As we gear up for our upcoming short film, Multiplicity, we want to encourage everyone to take the challenge to help us make this project a reality because we aren't able to do this without your help. 

Challenge/Perk #1: Everyone who donates at least $10 will get their names put into a drawing to receive a free viewing of Multiplicity. (5 drawings)

Challenge/Perk #2: Everyone who donates at least $20 will not only get Perk 1 but will receive an opportunity to be featured as an extra in any future Dream Cloud Films production. 

Challenge #3: Everyone who donates at least $50 will not only get Perk 1 and 2  but will also get their names in the credit as an Associate Producer


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Promo Teaser

It's here!! Check it out now

The teaser to Multiplicity is finally here!! Go check it out now on Youtube!! Also make sure you go check out our challenge for Multiplicity and how you can help us move on the production.

Promo Video




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Damaged Goods Remastered

Damaged Goods, a short film about your everyday gentlemen, Darnell, who tries to save the girl he likes, Tasha from her abusive relationship, and ultimately from herself. This was our very first short film ever produced and as of April 6th, it will be a year since it's released. Well a lot has happened since then and we've grown and learned a lot so to celebrate the anniversary of Damaged Goods, we will be releasing a remastered version with bloopers. Currently Damaged Goods holds 4,105 views on Youtube (I know it's not a lot compared to nowadays viral videos but it means a lot to us). 

So if you haven't done so go to youtube and check out our first ever production. The film stars Jasmine Gammon as Tasha, Shawn Campbell as Darnell, Jasmine Lovell as Julie, Kyle Douthy as Jay and Kevin Bianchi Jr. as Miguel.

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Multiplicity Update


Due to running into funding issues for the short film Multiplicity, we have decided to postpone production. For those who has been supporting us so far, we appreciate your continue support and patience as we continue to move forward in the future. We are still looking to raise the neccessary funds for the project so anyone willing to donate to help us to make this project a reality can do so by clicking on the below link. Anything helps and we thank you for your help and support.

 James Harris III

CEO Dream Cloud Films


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